Friday, July 19, 2019

FWL - Marik Led Lighting

"Ninmah Ninta", "FWL", "Free World League", "Marik", "LED Light"
My little Catapult "Ninmah" gives a lick of approval

Marik (FWL) cockpit for life

Choosing the better in cockpit item

New laser cut LED - Duchy of Andurien - Andurien Ranger camo on mech

Warhamer IIC - Andurien Ranger Camo - Duchy of Andurien

Thanatos - Audurien Rangers - Duchy of Andurien
Love my Hologram (well actually LED light)

Although the camo lower legs should be brown, this is a close depiction of it, in game. LED laser cut light sigil was created by Jeff Kodysz, can be found on Facebook - Battletech Buy & Sell.

Monday, July 8, 2019

Not a Black Night - but close enough

3 Kills - 15% Armor, 1 leg & 1 small laser - did I get top damage. Nope! No Liquid Metal